Dan and Stephanie

August 2, 2025 • Voorhees, NJ
142 Days To Go!

Dan and Stephanie

August 2, 2025 • Voorhees, NJ
142 Days To Go!

Our Story

Dan saw Stephanie for the first time at Alix and Olivia’s wedding (friends in common), and he was captivated by how the lady carried herself with a lot confidence and a high sense of dignity.

Later on in the evening, Dan noticed that she was having a conversation with Jonathan (another friend in common), and he decided to ask Jonathan if he knew whether she was single or not. Jonathan promised to find out and to get her phone number. In the meantime, Dan requested to follow her on Instagram, but apparently the lady didn’t accept requests from strangers.

After a while without hearing from Jonathan, Dan asked again, and this time he got Alix involved as well. They worked the problem for a little longer, and she finally allowed them to give him the phone number with the intention of putting him off because she was not interested in any long distance relationship (joke on her).

Two weeks after Dan sent the first text message, they had their first date, and at the end of the date, Dan stopped at Maman Raya’s place while on his way home, and he told her that this was the woman he would get married to. (Dan knows Maman Raya from church, and he has become very close to her in the past 2 years or so).

They subsequently went on several other dates until they were both sure they wanted to get in a relationship.

A special shout-out to Alix Luhonda and Jonathan Kokolo!